Forward motion

Membership Advantages

We believe that whether you are crawling, walking, jumping, or skipping- forward motion is vital to your progression in this life. We want you to recognize your worth, own your emotions, understand your capabilities, and live the life you have always wanted. We offer a monthly self-help guide to propel you forward.  It is time to EMPOWER YOURSELF!

Monthly self-help guide

A new focus for each month to propel you forward.

A self-help monthly guide with two topics to help you dive deep into managing your thoughts and becoming who you really want to be.  Included: Uplifting Guidance on each topic, Empowering I Am Statements, Thought Work Tools, Motivating Challenges, Tips & Tricks, and Journal Prompts.

Member login with access to all content.

$10/month-monthly membership


$120/year- annual membership